The Government’s new Regional Visa program commenced on 16 November 2019. With an allocation of 25,000 places in the 2019-20 Migration Program, the Government sees migrants as part of the solution to populate regional Australia and reduce congestion in the major cities of Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane.
For employers wishing to sponsor an overseas worker for the new Subclass 494 Skilled Sponsored Regional Provisional Visa, there are almost 650 occupations to choose from.
Occupations on the Medium to Long Term Strategic Skills List (MLTSSL) offer a pathway to permanent residence under the standard Employer Nomination Scheme; any occupation on this list of 216 occupations is an eligible occupation for the Subclass 494 visa.
In addition, there is a dedicated Regional Occupation List (ROL), with 434 occupations, including many that would not be suitable for temporary sponsorship, let alone provide a pathway to permanent residence, under standard programs.
Despite the flexibility around occupations, the Subclass 494 visa requires a number of additional steps, including the requirement for the visa applicant to obtain a positive skills assessment for their nominated occupation. An employer nominating an overseas worker for a Subclass 494 visa must obtain certification from a Regional Certifying Body in relation to Annual Market Salary Rates (AMSR) for the nominated occupation.
Please contact your adviser to discuss regional visa options in more detail.
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