What is the Global Talent Visa? What do I need to apply?

Since its launch in November 2019, the Global Talent Visa Program has generated a lot of interest. Over 5000 Global Talent Visas have already been issued so far [see our previous article on the Global Talent visa].

With increased scrutiny of other permanent residence programs, the Global Talent visa is increasingly popular.

What is the Global Talent Visa Program?

The Global Talent program, commonly referred to as the GTIP, seeks to attract ‘the best and the brightest’ from around the world. This is achieved by offering a streamlined and priority pathway to Australian permanent residence.

The program is primarily design to grow Australia’s tech and innovation economies, promote innovation and build more opportunity for Australian job growth.

Even with COVID these applications are being processed and granted in about 2 to 3 months and in some cases even quicker. Being a permanent residence visa, the Global Talent program allows holders to travel into Australia without the need to seek a travel exemption overcoming the border restrictions. It is important to note you will still be required to quarantine. For more information on the program see Australian Government website.

Global Talent Visa

What do I need to apply for the Global Talent Program?

To be eligible you will need to show that you:

  • are distinguished in in one of the seven identified Global Talent Visa industries: AgTech; Space & Advanced Manufacturing; FinTech; Energy & Mining Technology; MedTech; Cyber Security; Quantum Information, Advanced Digital, Data Science & ICT;
  • have an Australian nominator;
  • are able to earn in Australia above the Fair Work High Income Threshold (FWHIT), currently $153,600 per year which is demonstrated with evidence of the current earnings, future job offerings or recent PhD or Masters graduates in the target sectors.

The Global Talent visa has two steps:

  1. Invitation to Apply
    An Expression of Interest needs to be submitted outlining why you believe you should be granted a Global Talent Visa. This EOI needs to be put your case in the best possible light and it probably the most important part of the application to get right. Our success rate on invitation is close to 100%.
  2. Global Talent Visa Application
    If you are invited to apply for the Global Talent Visa you will need to make a visa application with all of the supporting information, including your nomination by an Australian. To be granted the Global Talent visa you will need to prove all the things you have said in the EOI and meet health and character tests. The government fee for the application is $4110.

Distinguished career

The Global Talent Visa requires applicants to have an international reputation in their field.

This can be most easily demonstrated by people who have a public profile of some sort or who have won awards or registered patents but even without these things it is still possible to be granted a Global Talent Visa.

Ajuria Case study:

Norman is a Civil Engineer working on large scale infrastructure projects in a very senior role. Whilst he meets the salary and all other requirements for the Global Talent Visa, he has never published any papers, registered patents or won any awards. However, given the seniority of his profile, professional qualifications and expertise in large tunnelling projects the requirements for the EOI and Global Talent Visa were met and Norman and his family were granted Australian permanent residence.

If you are unsure about this you should make an appointment to speak to one of us and we can work out whether your background is likely to be accepted by the Department.

Australian Nominator

You will need an Australian citizen or Australian organisation to nominate you for the Global Talent visa. The nomination does not cost anything and does not come with any ongoing obligations.

This person or organisation does not need to know you personally but should be in a position of expertise in Australia in your field so as to be able to verify that you have the international reputation and that you should be granted a Global Talent visa.

Ajuria Case Study

Anna is working in San Francisco as a Software Developer. Whilst she met all requirements for the GTIP visa, she did not have an Australian nominator. This was arranged through the IT professional body whom after assessing her skills, were able to nominate him for the role.

If you need help working out who should be your nominator you can book an appointment to speak to one of us about it and we may even be able to help you find a suitable nominator if you do not have one.

Can earn more than $153,600

You do not need to show that you are currently earning more than this amount to be granted a Global Talent visa, although if you do earn more than this it will certainly help the application. The requirement is only that you demonstrate that you have the potential to earn that amount of money.

Ajuria Case Study

Laksh is a medical researcher working in Australia for a State government. His current annual salary is $98,000 which is less than the required $153,600 for the Global Talent Visa. By doing market research and collecting evidence of salaries in the private sector for similar type roles we were able to convince the Department that Laksh had the capacity to earn above the $153,600 threshold even though he is not currently earning that.

This is even easier to prove for recent PhD or certain Master’s graduates.

We can help you work out the best way to prove your ability to earn enough money for the Global Talent visa.

Other matters – Global Talent Visa Program

In addition to the above you will need to make sure that your Global Talent visa application is carefully prepared and that you have all the right evidence needed to prove your case to the Department. Not getting this right will lead to delays and could result in a rejection of your application. You will also need to demonstrate that you and your family meet all the health and character requirements.

How can Ajuria help you obtain a Global Talent visa?

We have a lot of experience with Global Talent Visas and can help you make a successful application.

We will help you:

  1. Prepare and lodge your expression of interest making sure we focus on all the factors that the Australian government is looking for.
  2. Work with your nominator and referees to build the strongest supporting evidence possible for your case.
  3. Help gather evidence of your earning capacity in Australia.
  4. Prepare, lodge and then navigate your visa application through the process to approval.
  5. Understand how you can obtain Australian citizenship if that is your goal.

If you would like to know more, just make an appointment with one of our lawyers or partners by booking hereThe cost of your consultation will be deducted from the costs for your visa. Get in touch today.

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DISCLAIMER This information is current as of 28 September 2020 and subject to change. The information contained in this publication is of a general nature only. It should not be used as legal advice. To the extent permissible by law, Ajuria Lawyers and its associated entities shall not be liable for any errors, omissions, defects or misrepresentations in the information or for any loss or damage suffered by persons who use or rely on such information. Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.

The post What is the Global Talent Visa? What do I need to apply? first appeared on Ajuria Lawyers – Leaders in Immigration.