Guidelines on Australia-Singapore safe travel zone released

The recent announcement of a safe travel zone between Australia and Singapore was another welcome sign that Australia is slowly but surely opening up to the rest of the world.

Details were initially scarce, aside from the commencement date of 21 November 2021, but further guidelines have been released today outlining exactly who can take advantage of this arrangement.

Who can travel to Australia from Singapore under this arrangement?
Only Singapore citizens (not temporary or permanent residents) can travel from Singapore to Australia quarantine-free and without requiring a travel exemption, provided they:

  • Hold a valid Australian visa;
    • Please contact your Ajuria Lawyers advisor for visa assistance
  • Are fully vaccinated with a completed dosage of a vaccine approved or recognised by Australia’s Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA);
  • Depart from Singapore and arrive in a participating state or territory (NSW, VIC or ACT at time of writing);
    • Interestingly, there is no requirement for an eligible traveller to have spent a certain amount of time in Singapore before coming to Australia, as there is for the Australia-NZ safe travel zone
  • Provide proof of their vaccination status; and
  • Complete an Australia Travel Declaration (ATD) at least 72 hours before departure, which involves making a legally binding declaration in relation to their vaccination status. Penalties will apply for giving false and misleading information, including potential criminal prosecution

Non-Singaporean citizens (including family members who are not Singaporean travelling with a Singapore citizen) are not eligible to travel to Australia under these arrangements. They will still require a travel exemption, which they may or may not be eligible for.

Finally, it is essential that eligible travellers are aware of following warning from the Department of Home Affairs:

Any change in the COVID-19 situation in Australia or Singapore could lead to a pause in quarantine-free travel arrangements without notice. You are responsible for checking the entry requirements for each state and territory in Australia, including quarantine arrangements.

Who can travel from Singapore to Australia under this arrangement?
Singapore has its own specific criteria for Australian citizens wishing to travel to Singapore under the safe travel zone. Further details can be found via the SafeTraveller website. If you need help with visas to Singapore, please contact our Global Team at

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