Lewis Silkin – MAC call for evidence on financial requirements for family visas

The Migration Advisory Committee (MAC) is currently undertaking a review of the financial requirements for family visa routes. There is currently an open call for evidence, through which stakeholders can provide their perspectives on the minimum income requirement and adequate maintenance test. If you wish to respond, either as an individual or representative of an organisation, you will need to do so by 11 December 2024.


Background: what is the MAC reviewing?

On 10 September 2024, the Home Secretary commissioned the MAC to review the financial requirements for family visas under the partner, child and parent routes. The review will focus on the minimum income requirement (MIR) and Adequate Maintenance (AM) test, both of which apply to partners and family members coming to the UK or remaining here.

The MAC has been asked to review the financial requirements in the context of a broad net migration reduction agenda and the intention of the requirements to recognise both the economic wellbeing of the UK and respect for family life.

The commission is broad ranging, including a review the level of the MIR, whether it should be increased and any other related considerations the MAC considers relevant.

The MAC is expected to deliver its report in mid-May 2025. The Home Office will then consider the MAC’s recommendations and whether and when to implement them.

What is the current status of the minimum income requirement?

On 11 April 2024, the MIR was increased (under the previous government) from £18,600 to £29,000, with planned further increases up to £38,700 by early 2025.

The current Home Secretary, Yvette Cooper, has confirmed the requirement will be frozen at £29,000 until the Home Office implements any recommendations from the MAC’s review.

Open call for evidence: how you can share your views

If you’d like to share your personal experience or respond on behalf of your organisation you should respond online to the call for evidence by 23:59 GMT on 11 December 2024.

If you have any questions about the review or require assistance with a family route application, please get in touch with a member of our Immigration team.


Related Item(s): Immigration

Author(s)/Speaker(s): Andrew Osborne, Supinder Singh Sian, Stephen OFlaherty, Naomi Hanrahan-Soar, Sarah Ezzeddine,